What a boatload of beautiful pictures and detailed information. All inspiring. Enjoyed immensely.

Thank you both.


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Great post Ruth. I can't believe that we are this far into the years already. I have a property in Escondido and we always drive by the flower fields and the strawberry patches and I guess don't even realize it anymore. Thanks for reminding me - I should get some berries 😘.

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Happy 4th Substack-Anniversary, Ruth!!! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ Your newsletter is among my all time favourites. Please keep it coming <3

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Apr 8Liked by Ruth Stroud

We are heading there to meet the kids at Legoland in a couple of weeks! Thanks to you and Jefferson, we are set! So excited!

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What a beautiful field of flowers! I had no idea that farm was open to the public at a certain time of year, I hope to have the opportunity to drive south and visit someday. Thank you for sharing your memories and descriptions, your post is wonderfully written.

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Congratulations on four years, Ruth!! I love this post - and I admire you for being brave enough to write about ranunculuses! Such a difficult word to get right. πŸ˜‚ Your photos are just beautiful, and I really appreciate your words about migrant laborers in the fruit fields. I lived for five years in California fruit country and the Napa Valley, and have a huge appreciation for the labor necessary to make the economies of those areas thrive. Thank you for drawing attention to it!

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Apr 8Liked by Ruth Stroud

Ruth what a really wonderful article and surly I need to make a drive to Carlsbad. Congratulations on 4 years I feel guilty I’m a free fan and have no idea how long but I believe I started reading your great article’s from your husband Jeff and didn’t even realize you were on Substack until maybe when I started following Emily Nunn. Forgive me I need to rethink this!

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Apr 8Liked by Ruth Stroud

Who needs microdosing when we’ve got your bountiful photos? You’re giving Jeff a run for his money πŸ˜‚

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Happy 4 years, Ruth! I've enjoyed reading everything you write and living vicariously through your food and travels. Here's to many more years!

I lived in Carlsbad in the late 70s for a few years and I loved it. It has changed so much over the last 40+ years, but the flowers are still something that I love to visit when I'm in that area and they are blooming.

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Cheers, Ruth ~ thanks for the virtual tour of Carlsbad flowers 🌸 and happy Substackiversary ❀️

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Happy Anniversary! I love the ranunculus flower. The colors and densely packed petals are so lush. Thanks for bringing photos of bright blue skies to a very dreary spring here in NJ. I used to pick strawberries with my mom and we probably ate as many as went in the basket. Thanks, Ruth!

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Beautiful, Ruth! Happy 4th Substack Anniversary! I enjoy your storytelling. The photos are yummy with the vibrant pinks and oranges. The best! Keep going!

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Happy anniversary Ruth - I love that I found you here! I picked strawberries for a day when I was a teenager, thinking it might be a good holiday job. It's backbreaking work and not being able to move the following day has given me a lasting appreciation of fruit pickers! And I love the runnuculi.

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Apr 8Liked by Ruth Stroud

Great article on Carlsbad, it is a great place to live and play. Food Tours can be like a new lens to view the town with and learn about it's history, culture and art.

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Apr 8Liked by Ruth Stroud

Really wonderful piece! Your descriptions are always so vivid...I could almost taste the berries.

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Apr 8Liked by Ruth Stroud

I'm just about to plant out my ranunculus corms which I hope will bloom again even though they are a few years old. Our location here in Perth, Australia is very similar - we are only about 1 mile from the coast and we have plenty of sun (sadly, not much rain in this drying climate).

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