Ruth, just came across this as I was browsing Substack. And now I'm obsessing about popcorn. A guest at the Oscar party made homemade popcorn this year. She had one of those hand-cranked poppers. It smelled so good. But it was way too salty. Wish I could have had yours in those cute containers. Love your writing. Subscribing now....Thank you!

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Hooray for Popcorn 🍿 (and Hollywood!)!!! Love this, Ruth and thank you so much for linking! ❤️

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FYI - I still use cast iron whenever I pop corn. I love it! Thx Ruth

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I also snatched onto the "snacky, drinky things" which will use often fron now on. A bit of a popcorn fan as well. Grew up on it with my dad growing it, popping as you describe in a huge cast iron skillet every weekend for as long as I can remember. The Oscars? Well, I watched another program and had popcorn. Thx for this great post Ruth.


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Another great post Ruth! I have one of the stovetop poppers with the crank to turn a stirrer inside the pot. Also, I use coconut oil for the higher temp, and it sort of adds a theater like flavor.

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Great post and now I want popcorn! :) HA! We make ours the same way, right on the stovetop. Delicious and no additives or yucky stuff. The kids and I love having popcorn with our read alouds. Anyways, thank you Ruth and enjoy your evening.

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Mar 11·edited Mar 11Liked by Ruth Stroud

How fun! I used to love the Oscars and sat through all 4 hours or so of them year after year. I rarely go to movies anymore, though, so the Oscars have lost their appeal. (Billy Crystal will always be my favorite host!)

Now I'm in the mood for popcorn, though, which I haven't eaten in years. (It's not that common in Europe.) I'm going to see if I can find some tomorrow!

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I love that you make stovetop popcorn. And your yellow Pyrex bowl.

I’m kicking myself for missing the pre-game red carpet fashion show! The earlier start time for the Oscars plus Arizona’s time change defiance threw me off an hour.

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Sometimes, to my family's horror, I add turmeric!

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Our family popcorn recipe is to pop it in oil, as you do, then to drizzle with melted butter, sprinkle on salt, and shower with freshly grated Parmigiano-Reggiano. We’ve been making it this way for decades and it is so good. A newer favorite is butter + salt + furikake. Delicious. Happy Oscar watching, Ruth 🌟

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Mar 10Liked by Ruth Stroud

Now I want popcorn. I never knew you could make it without a popcorn maker.

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Popcorn and anything movie-related go hand in hand. I've been known to make a batch just for myself if I get an afternoon craving for something salty. We always have popcorn on hand. Enjoy tonight! I heard they are starting earlier than usual.

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